Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Requisitos para viajar sin visa a EE.UU. como turista
Cada aà ±o, millones de turistas viajan sin visa a Estados Unidos porque tienen un pasaporte de uno de los 38 paà ses incluidos en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados (VWP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En este artà culo se informa sobre quà © paà ses està ¡n incluidos en esa lista, los casos de doble nacionalidad, cuà ¡les son los requisitos, quà © es la autorizacià ³n para viajar o ESTA, tambià ©n mal llamada visa electrà ³nica, cuà ¡l es su costo y, finalmente, cuà ¡les son las ventajas y los inconvenientes de ingresar sin visa a ingresar con visa de turista B2. Paà ses en Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas y doble nacionalidad En la actualidad,à 38 paà ses està ¡n incluidos en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados, casi todos europeos o asià ¡ticos. Esta regla general tiene una excepcià ³n y es que si los ciudadanos de esos paà ses tienen doble nacionalidad con Irà ¡n, Irak, Siria o Sudà ¡n entonces no pueden beneficiarse de ese programa. De todos los paà ses hispanohablantes, solamente los ciudadanos de Espaà ±a y Chile pueden beneficiarse de este programa para viajar sin visa a Estados Unidos.à Es suficiente con tener pasaporte chileno o espaà ±ol, aunque se resida habitualmente en otro paà s. En el caso de personas con doble nacionalidad, cuando uno de los pasaportes està ¡ incluido en el listado del VWP puede utilizarse cualquiera de ellos para ingresar a EE.UU. Si se elige el que permite viajar sin visa, es necesario que a su titular no se le hubiera negado o cancelado previamente una visa a EE.UU. solicitada con el otro pasaporte. Por ejemplo, una mujer colombiana nacida en Colombia pero que tiene un pasaporte italiano porque su padre tenà a esa nacionalidad y se la transmitià ³ a la hija puede ingresar a EE.UU. con el pasaporte colombiano con visa de turista o con pasaporte italiano y la ESTA. Sin embargo, si esa misma mujer solicità ³ una visa con el pasaporte colombiano y le fue negada, no puede ingresar con ESTA y pasaporte italiano. Es obligatorio que solicite y obtenga la aprobacià ³n de una visa B2. Sin ella, no podrà ¡ viajar a Estados Unidos como turista. Las autoridades estadounidenses saben que se trata de la misma persona con pasaportes de dos paà ses diferentes por las huellas digitales. Se toman a todo solicitante de visa y tambià ©n a los turistas extranjeros en los pasos de control migratorio y el sistema informà ¡tico encuentra la coincidencia. Requisitos para viajar sin visa a EE.UU. Ademà ¡s de tener un pasaporte de un paà s incluido en el listado del VWP, es necesario cumplir otros requisitos. En primer lugar, por aplicacià ³n de la Ley de Mejora del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas y Prevencià ³n de Viaje Terrorista de 2015, es condicià ³n fundamental para viajar a EE.UU. sin visa no haber viajado a Irà ¡n, Irak, Libia, Siria, Somalia, Sudà ¡n o Yemen en fecha del 1 de marzo de 2011 o posteriormente. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son los diplomà ¡ticos o miembros de ejà ©rcitos que hubieran estado en esos paà ses por razones de su trabajo. Otro requisito es que el pasaporte debe ser digitalizado con un chip integrado que pueda leer una computadora y con fecha de expiracià ³n de al menos seis meses mà ¡s que el dà a previsto de finalizacià ³n del viaje a EE.UU., si bien hay excepciones a este requisito para algunos paà ses. Asimismo, es imprescindible que cada persona que viaja tenga su propio pasaporte. En otras palabras, nià ±os y bebà ©s deben tener su propio documento y no estar incluidos en el pasaporte del padre o de la madre. Si se quiere llegar a un puesto migratorio de EE.UU. por avià ³n de là nea regular o barco, debe llenarse por internet antes de viajar el formulario ESTA, que significa Sistema Electrà ³nico de Autorizacià ³n para Viajar. Ademà ¡s, se debe tener ticket de regreso. Por el contrario, si se llega en avià ³n o barco privado es obligatorio solicitar a la embajada o consulado una visa de turista. Si se llega por una frontera terrestre no es necesario solicitar autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica. Al llegar allà debe completarse un documento que se conoce comoà I-94 registro de ingreso y salida. Otro requisito a cumplir es que el propà ³sito del viaje debe ser turismo, negocios, visitar amigos o familiares, recibir tratamiento mà ©dico o participar en una feria o conferencia. Bajo ningà ºn concepto se puede trabajar. Por ejemplo, los periodistas que tengan la intencià ³n de cubrir un evento deberà ¡n pedir el correspondiente visado. Tampoco es legal buscar trabajo cuando se tiene situacià ³n de turista. Tampoco se puede estudiar, a menos que se trate de una actividad a tiempo parcial por menos de 19 horas a la semana. Por otro lado, es posible casarse en situacià ³n de turista pero para evitar problemas se recomienda seguir unas directrices de precaucià ³n. Finalmente, es imprescindible no ser inelegible o inadmisible para ingresar a EE.UU. y que, por otra parte, son los mismos requisitos que se exigen a todos los que solicitan visas no inmigrante en un consulado americano. Esas son dos grandes categorà as incluyen diversas situaciones como, por ejemplo, haber estado previamente en EE.UU. mà ¡s tiempo que el autorizado, carecer de lazos econà ³micos, familiares y sociales fuertes en el paà s de residencia habitual, etc. Las causas de inelegibilidad o inadmisibilidad pueden dar lugar a que el oficial migratorio en el puerto de entrada (aeropuerto, puerto o frontera terrestre) niegue la entrada a EE.UU. Ventajas de viajar sin visa frente a obligacià ³n de obtener visa de turista B2 La posibilidad de viajar sin visa es, en primer lugar, mà ¡s cà ³modo ya que supone que no se deben obtener los documentos obligatorios y de apoyo que se presentan en el consulado o embajada de Estados Unidos durante el trà ¡mite de la entrevista para obtener la visa de turista B2. Otra ventaja es que es un proceso es mà ¡s rà ¡pido, ya que no hay que esperar a la entrevista ni programar una maà ±ana de tiempo dedicada a presentarse en el consulado y, dependiendo del paà s, tambià ©n a un Centro de Apoyo CAS o ACS. Ademà ¡s, viajar sin visa es mà ¡s barato. En estos momentos la visa de turista tiene un costo de $160 por persona, que se puede incrementar en algunos paà ses en cumplimiento de leyes de reciprocidad. Esa cantidad nunca se recupera, aunque la visa sea negada. Por el contrario, la autorizacià ³n para viajar que se conoce como ESTA tiene un costo de $14 y si es rechazada el solicitante obtendrà ¡ un reembolso de $10 con lo que el costo es de $4 para esos supuestos. Ademà ¡s, la ESTA la puede solicitarla cualquier turista que cumple todos los requisitos del VWP desde su casa sin necesidad de presentar documentacià ³n o acudir a una entrevista en un consulado. Cabe destacar que no es necesario solicitar la ESTA si se llega a una frontera de Estados Unidos por và a terrestre. Autorizacià ³n de viaje ESTA vs. visa electrà ³nica y tiempo mà ¡ximo de estancia en USA Es comà ºn llamarle visa electrà ³nica a la ESTA, pero no es correcto. No es una visa y, al no ser una visa, no se puede bajo ningà ºn concepto extender el tiempo mà ¡ximo autorizado de presencia en EE.UU. Tampoco se puede cambiar por otra visa como, por ejemplo, la de turista, por la misma razà ³n, porque la ESTA no es una visa. Y lo mismo aplica a los que ingresan con pasaporte de un paà s incluido en el listado de los VWP y sin ESTA porque llegan a travà ©s de una frontera terrestre. Un ingreso a EE.UU. sin visa bajo este programa tiene una estancia mà ¡xima de 90 dà as. A los tres meses hay que salir del paà s. No hay posibilidad de prà ³rroga. Si durante la estancia en Estados Unidos, el turista visita brevemente Bermudas, Canadà ¡ o Mà ©xico, al regresar se podrà ¡ entrar, pero no se alargarà ¡ el tiempo de estancia que seguirà ¡ siendo el mismo que correspondà a a la primera entrada. Cabe destacar que ss muy comà ºn que justo antes de acabar los tres meses la persona extranjera salga a Bermudas, Mà ©xico o Canadà ¡ por un periodo corto de tiempo, con el fin de lograr un nuevo permiso de estancia en Estados Unidos por otros tres meses. En el momento que regresa puede suceder que el oficial de Inmigracià ³n le deje entrar, sin conceder mà ¡s dà as extras. Sin embargo, tambià ©n puede queà no le permita regresar a Estados Unidos. La razà ³n es clara: se està ¡ vulnerando el espà ritu de las leyes migratorias de EE.UU. Si quiere prolongar su estancia en Estados Unidos deberà ¡ salir del paà s conseguir la visa apropiada en una embajada o consulado americano. Finalmente, es recomendableà este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la ESTA y sobre viajar sin visa para asegurar los conocimientos que aplican a esta situacià ³n y evitar problemas migratorios en EE.UU. Puntos Claves: viajar sin visa a Estados Unidos Las personas con un pasaporte incluido en el listado del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados (VWP) pueden viajar sin visas a Estados Unidos como turistas, para tratamiento mà ©dico, reuniones de negocios, etc.En la actualidad, 38 paà ses està ¡n incluidos en el VWP, entre ellos Chile y Espaà ±a. La mayorà a de los otros paà ses son europeos y asià ¡ticos.No pueden viajar sin visa bajo este programa las personas que han visitado Irà ¡n, Irà ¡k, Siria, Somalia, Sudà ¡n, Libia o Yemen con fecha de 1 de marzo de 2011 o posteriormente. Està ¡s excluidos de esta regla militares y diplomà ¡ticos que viajaron por razà ³n de sus viajes.Si se llega a EE.UU. por barco o avià ³n regular, debe solicitarse con autoridad una autorizacià ³n para viajar conocida como ESTA. No es necesaria si se llega por tierra. Si se llega en avià ³n o barco privado no se puede viajar con ESTA y es imprescindible solicitar una visa de turista.La estancia mà ¡xima de estancia en EE.UU. cuando se vi aja bajo este programa es de 90 dà as. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rrl of Marketing Information System Free Essays
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A marketing information system (MIS) is a set of procedures and methods designed to generate, analyze, disseminate, and store anticipated marketing decision information on a regular, continuous basis. An information system can be used operationally, managerially, and strategically for several aspects of marketing. A marketing information system can be used operationally, managerially, and strategically for several aspects of marketing. We will write a custom essay sample on Rrl of Marketing Information System or any similar topic only for you Order Now The first definition of marketing information systems was presented by Cox and Good (1967) who referred to them as a group of procedures and methods for the planned analysis and the presentation of information to be used in marketing decision making. Later, this definition was extended by several authors such as Brien and Stafford (1968), Proctor (1991), Talvinen (1995), Burns and Bush (1995), and Kotler (1991, 2003), among others. Thus, Proctor (1991) defined the MKIS as a system that examines and collects data from the environment; that uses data for the operations and transactions within the company, and that filters, organizes, and selects data to present them for business purposes. According to Kotler (2003) and Bums and Bush (1995) defined the MKIS as a consistent system of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, classify, analyze, evaluate, and distribute the necessary, timely, and precise information needed for decision making. For Talvinen (1995), the marketing information systems are a fundamental part of the company information systems portfolio that aids the direction of the managerial process, especially the marketing process. Jobber (2007) defines it as a ââ¬Å"system in which marketing data is formally gathered, stored, analyzed and distributed to managers in accordance with their informational needs on a regular basis. â⬠Kotler, et al. (2006) define it more broadly as ââ¬Å"people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers. A formal MkIS can be of great benefit to any organization whether profit making or nonprofit making, no matter what its size or the level of managerial finesse. It is true today that in many organization an MkIS is integrated as part of a computerized system. To manage a business well is to manage its future and this means that management of information, in the form of a companywide ââ¬Å"Management Information Systemâ⬠(MUS) of which the MkIS is an integral part, is an indispensable resource to be carefully managed just like any other resource that the organization may have e. . human resources, productive resources, transport resources and financial resources. Marketing information systems (MKIS) must play a different role from the roles they traditionally performed; that is, they need roles that may guide and support the decisions made at the corporate, functional, and operational levels. Previous research on the application of the MKIS shows that they have been applied mainly to the routine function of marketing rather than the strategic function (Xianzhong, 1999). Frequently, organizations have utilized these information systems to support the competitive analysis that they themselves conduct and to find out the market conditions, however, they have not developed research that may support the formulation of strategies, or such development has been nonexistent (Main Marone, 2002). According Zabriskie and Huellmantel (1994) have pointed out that providing competitive information to formulate strategies is the responsibility of the marketing director, with the support of the marketing research department. However, conceptual and empirical research on marketing information systems has given little attention to the type of information that those in charge of making decisions may consider useful for the performance of their marketing tasks (Ashill Jobber, 2002). According to Proctor (1991), there is a lot of information, but not of the correct type, and much error; that is, such information is more focused on the operational rather than on the strategic function. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account that the utilization of the MKIS is crucial for the success of an organization and should be an integral part of the strategic planning process (Amaravadi, 1995) since the marketing data base is a vital element for the strategic planning of many companies and often presents challenges in terms of management, marketing and sales (Stone Shaw, 1987). In the latter half of the 20th century, several authors such as Cox and Good (1967), Kotler (1991, 2003), Proctor (1991), and Talvinen (1995), among others, have presented models for marketing information systems. Bums and Bush (1995) presented a classification of the marketing information systems similar to that of Kotlerââ¬â¢s (2003) through a model in which there is an interrelationship between the environment and the MKIS and among these and the managing directors. Talvinen (1995) classified the models presented in two groups determined by the managerial position and the operational-tactical function of those who make the decisions. In the first group, the basic classifying models of all the authors are presented, and the users are likely to be the senior executives, business strategy units, directors, marketing analysts, and experts. In the second group, the model of Moriarty and Swartz (1989) is found, and its users are likely to be the mid-level executives and sales operations personnel. According to Ansoff, Declerck, and Hayes (1990), the strategic level of a company is in continuous contact with the organizational environment; for Mintzberg and Quinn (1993), strategy is defined in terms of the four pââ¬â¢s: plan, pattern, position, and perspective. Finally, according to Thompson, Strickland, and Gamble (2005), the strategy consists of business competitive movements and approaches that the directing managers employ in order to attract and please clients, compete successfully, make the business grow, conduct operations, and reach set goals. At the turn of the 21st century, researchers paid increased interest in the marketing information systems that are required by those in charge of making decisions (Amaravadi, 1995; Ashill Jobber, 2002; Talvinen, 1995). However, little has been studied regarding the marketing information systems and the formulation of strategies at different levels. Research studies have centered upon general aspects of the formulation process and strategy implementation (Ashill, Frederikson, Davies, 2003; McCarthy Leavy, 2000; Varadarajan Jayachandran, 1999; White, Conant, Echambadi, 2003) rather than on specific aspects such as the information systems that the organizations require in order to formulate strategies (Proctor, 1991). However, it is necessary to consider that organizations operate at three levels (corporate, business unit, and functional or operational) and reflect, at the same time, three strategy levels (corporate, business unit, and functional or operational). The MKIS range from the strategic to the operational level and require a different type of information on marketing at each level. This distinction of levels has prompted some authors to study the MKIS and strategy levels (Hair, Bush, Ortinau, 2003; Talvinen, 1995), as well as the MKIS required at each strategy level (Talvinen, 1995), but the type of marketing information required at each strategy level and for each MKIS has not been studied. Like the application of the marketing activities, the application of the MKIS has also concentrated on the area of productivity and sales administration more than on the strategic area (Hewson Hewson, 1994; Wilson McDonald, 1994). Even though some businesses have used these systems at the strategic level, their use still concentrates on the marketing functions related to the client, such as, for example, direct sales (Xianzhong, 1999). In the face of the existing gap in the literature, and, above all, because there is no classification of the MKIS by strategy level, the information that the managing directors require at each level was classified for each MKIS taking into account the definitions that these systems present (Burns Bush, 1995; Kotler, 2003; Talvinen, 1995). How to cite Rrl of Marketing Information System, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Black Boy Essay Research Paper One main free essay sample
Black Boy Essay, Research Paper One chief point of the United States Constitution was losing from the Jim Crow South: equality. The Constitution clearly states that # 8220 ; all work forces are created equal, # 8221 ; but in the Jim Crow epoch inkinesss were continuously persecuted for something that would be acceptable in today # 8217 ; s society. In the early twentieth century the South was a topographic point of racial bias, favoritism, and hatred ; inkinesss could be punished for merely looking at a white individual in the incorrect mode. Punishments included apprehension, whipping, even lychings were a common portion of the age. This is how life was while Richard Wright was turning up ; but in his autobiography Black Boy we learn that despite his being a black male child in the Jim Crow South, born on a Mississippi plantation, he is finally able to accomplish success. Although independency was a important factor that enabled Richard Wright to win, his defiance, intelligence, and doggedness were besides of import contributing factors. Richard Wright was an independent individual by nature. Throughout the book Richard neer seemed to hold an utmost emotional fond regard to anyone. It was as if he did non necessitate or desire anyone # 8217 ; s aid or blessing, except his ain. Ever since Richard was really immature he was forced to be independent. When he mother had her shot, Richard was forced to take charge and go the individual of the house and he would accept no 1 # 8217 ; s assist. # 8220 ; Though I was a kid, I could no longer experience as a kid, could no longer respond as a kid # 8230 ; When the neighbour # 8217 ; s offered me nutrient, I refused, already ashamed that so frequently in my life I had to be fed by strangers. # 8221 ; ( pg.97 ) While Richard was populating at his Granny # 8217 ; s his independency truly started to demo through. All Richard of all time thought about was go forthing to travel to the North ; particularly after being ridiculed for composing his narrative, The Voodoo of Hell # 8217 ; s Half-Acre. No one supported him. He wanted to be able to make what he wanted to, by himself. # 8220 ; I drea! Master of Education of traveling north and composing books and novels. # 8221 ; ( pg.186 ) Once Richard was on his ain he felt free of the load, of other people # 8217 ; s sentiments that had tied him down his full life. Along with independency, his defiance was another beginning point of Wright # 8217 ; s thrust to do it in a white adult male # 8217 ; s universe. The really first mark we see of the Rebel in Wright is when he is merely four old ages old. Richard and his brother are playing with a isolated cat one twenty-four hours when his male parent orders them to acquire rid of the cat because it is doing a batch of noise and Mr. Wright is seeking to kip, he even comments, # 8220 ; Kill that damn thing! # 8221 ; ( pg.18 ) That is merely what Richard intends to make. He knows his male parent was merely talking figuratively because he was upset, but Richard besides knows that if his male parent could non penalize Richard without put on the lining his authorization. A 2nd point at which Richard shows the rebellion in him was when he was approximately to graduate from the 9th class. Richard was chosen as valedictory speaker of his category. As category valedictorian, Richard was responsible for presenting a address at his graduation, to be held at one of the local populace auditoriums. One twenty-four hours shortly before! the graduation ceremonial is scheduled to take topographic point Richard is summoned to the principal # 8217 ; s office. The chief custodies Richard a address he has prepared for Richard to read. Richard has already written his one address and garbages to read the chief # 8217 ; s work. When told that he will non be allowed to graduate without staying the principal and reading his address, Richard # 8217 ; s reaction is: # 8220 ; # 8230 ; this ninth-grade sheepskin International Relations and Security Network # 8217 ; t traveling to assist me much in life. I # 8217 ; m non acrimonious about it, it # 8217 ; s non your mistake. But I # 8217 ; m merely non traveling to make things this way. # 8221 ; Again, Richard has triumphed over an grownup, this clip merely by withstanding an grownup # 8217 ; s decree and making the right thing. Bing an independent and rebellious young person, Richard besides became a gt ; success due to his intelligence. Richard # 8217 ; s intelligence was non merely acquired but besides gifted. As a really immature male child without any formal instruction he already had a existent hungriness for cognition and desired to learn all, and anything, he could. Richard # 8217 ; s aptitude was first described in Black Boy at the age of four. One forenoon Mrs. Wright informed Richard that while she was at work coal that she ordered was to be delivered to the house and that Richard would be responsible for paying the adult male. When the coal adult male arrived with the bringing, Richard gave him the money that his female parent had left. When the adult male asked how much alteration he owed Richard, Richard replied that he did non cognize, he could non number. So the adult male began to learn Richard to number. # 8220 ; He counted to ten and I listened carefully ; so he asked me to number entirely and I did. He so made me memorise the words 20, 30, 40 etc. , so told me to add one, two, three, and so on. In about an hr # 8217 ; s clip I had learned to number to a hundred # 8230 ; when my female parent returned from her occupation that dark I insisted that she stand still and listen while I counted to one 100. She was dumbfounded. After that she taught me to read, told narratives. On Lords daies I would read the newspapers with my female parent steering me and spelling out the words. # 8221 ; ( pg.30 ) Richard had non merely learned to number in less than an hr but he was besides able to read the newspaper at the age of four. His ability to persist besides guided Richard toward his prosperity. There were many, many episodes in the life of Richard Wright that would hold slowed down or wholly halted most people ; but non Richard himself. Richard was a combatant and no affair was obstacle he faced, he knocked it right down and continued. Like his features of defiance and intelligence, the doggedness in Richard # 8217 ; s personality began at an extremely immature age. Richard was four ( as he was when his defiance and intelligence were foremost discovered by the reader ) when he faced his first physical intervention in life. Richard # 8217 ; s mother notified him that it would now be him occupation to make the shopping. The first clip he was to make the shopping on his ain, Richard set on his manner with his basket on his arm. When he reached the corner he was all of a sudden knocked down and robbed by a pack of male childs. Richard ran place and told his female parent. She sent him right back out once more. This clip the male child # 8217 ; s crush! him and once more took his money. When Richard returned place once more his female parent # 8217 ; s reaction was non what he expected. # 8220 ; Don # 8217 ; t you come in here # 8230 ; You merely remain right where you are. I # 8217 ; m traveling to learn you this dark to stand up and battle for yourself # 8230 ; .Don # 8217 ; T you come into this house until you # 8217 ; ve gotten those groceries. # 8221 ; ( pg.24 ) She handed Richard some more money, and a stick, told him that if the male childs bothered him once more to contend back and so she sent him on his manner. We the male childs attacked him once more Richard fought back and sent them running place to their female parents. Richard was taught doggedness by his female parent, and that stuck with him throughout his life as one of his top qualities. To sum things up, the rebellious nature in Richard Wright was a chief ground why he was able to get the better of his background and go a successful author. The fact that he was independent, intelligent, and had sense of doggedness besides aided in his command. By reading Black Boy it becomes clear to the reader how life can before non merely a black male child in the Jim Crow self but how annoying it can be for any pre-judged minority. Black Boy is able to learn readers how-to and how-not-to dainty people. The narrative of Richard Wright will presumptively Teach person who is racialist that there is no topographic point in the universe for racism. Richard is able to demo the reader that people all have the same feelings and are as likewise on the interior as they are different on the exterior. ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'script ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'text/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = true ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http: // ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'script ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;
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